
Meaning & Symbolism

The Cockatoo symbolizes communication, offering us lessons on how to express ourselves clearly and effectively. These intelligent Birds are known for their complex social interactions and their ability to mimic human speech, highlighting their deep connection to the art of communication. Communication goes beyond just talking; it involves a dynamic process where tone of voice, body language, word choice, speaking, and listening are all integral. Cockatoos, with their expressive crests and vocalizations, remind us that how we say something is just as important as what we say.

Healthy communication is about connecting and understanding—not about manipulation or defensiveness. When emotions run high, we can easily start “squawking” at each other without truly grasping the heart of the issue. To avoid ruffling feathers, it’s important to first understand your own feelings and needs, then approach the conversation with curiosity about what underlying emotions or needs might be driving the other person’s heated response. Instead of reacting to surface behaviors, try to engage with the deeper message they may be attempting to express.

To truly embody the Cockatoo’s symbolism in our own lives, we can practice the steps of effective communication: listen, mirror, validate, and empathize. Listening actively means giving full attention to the speaker, while mirroring involves repeating back what was heard to confirm understanding. Validation acknowledges the other person’s feelings or perspective, making them feel heard, while empathy connects us emotionally, showing genuine care for their experience. 

Cockatoos remind us to be both expressive and attentive. By first revealing our own feelings and needs, we create a safer space for others to do the same. It also helps to “parrot” paraphrase and reflect back what we hear, ensuring clarity and avoiding misinterpretation. Clarifying and making clear requests, rather than demands, honors everyone’s autonomy and fosters mutual respect.

This approach ensures that our messages are understood and that we are also receptive to what others are saying, preventing misunderstandings and fostering stronger, more authentic connections. By integrating these practices into our daily interactions, we create a more harmonious and connected environment, much like the Cockatoo in its vibrant social circles. Also see the Macaw!

  • Are you expressing yourself clearly and with intention?
  • How can you improve your listening skills to better understand others?
  • Are you aware of the non-verbal cues you send during interactions?
  • How might paraphrasing or reflecting back what someone is feeling help clarify communication in your conversations?
  • Are your requests clear, and do they honor the other person’s autonomy?

-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

Animal Cards

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I want to hear about your Cockatoo experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!


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