
Meaning & Symbolism


rat spiritual meaning symbolism

The Rat, often associated with betrayal and treachery, symbolizes the painful feeling of being betrayed. Betrayal is the deep sense of hurt and distrust that arises when someone we relied on or cared for acts against our expectations, breaking the bond of trust we shared. This feeling can be compared to the image of a Rat, known for being a “snitch” or betraying others for its own gain. When we experience betrayal, it can feel like a sharp, unexpected wound, leaving us questioning our judgment and the intentions of others. Processing these feelings involves acknowledging the pain, understanding the breach of trust, and allowing ourselves to grieve the loss of security in that relationship. To shift these feelings, it’s important to rebuild trust—starting with ourselves. We can take steps to protect our well-being by setting boundaries, seeking support from those who have proven their loyalty, and practicing forgiveness—not necessarily to absolve the betrayer, but to free ourselves from the weight of the hurt. For example, if a friend shares a private matter without your consent, you might feel deeply betrayed, but by expressing your feelings, reevaluating the relationship, and deciding how to move forward, you can regain a sense of control and peace.

Also see Mouse

* Try shifting feelings of betrayal towards loyalty (Elephant) by considering meeting the following needs: acceptance, reassurance, understanding, safety, cooperation, communication, consistency, mourning, respect, boundaries, accountability, honesty, shared values, integrity, support, trust


-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

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rat spiritual meaning symbolism

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