Crow & Raven

Meaning & Symbolism

The Crow, known for its loud caws and striking presence, symbolizes the deep human need to be seen and heard, and the importance of acknowledging others in the same way. Crows are highly social and intelligent birds, often using their voices and actions to communicate, assert their presence, and ensure they are noticed within their community. This behavior highlights the universal desire to have our existence recognized and our voices validated. To be truly seen and heard means that our thoughts, feelings, and experiences are acknowledged and respected without judgment or dismissal.

In our human lives, we can use the Crow’s symbolism by actively listening to others and offering them our full attention, thereby validating their experiences and fostering deeper connections. For instance, in conversations, instead of merely waiting for our turn to speak, we can focus on genuinely understanding what the other person is expressing. Active listening involves engaged body language, encouraging prompts, restating what you understood, and asking clarifying questions. This practice not only makes others feel valued but also enriches our relationships by creating a space of mutual respect and understanding.

  • Are you fully present when others are speaking to you?
  • How can you better ensure that those around you feel seen and heard?
  • Are you expressing yourself in a way that allows others to truly understand and acknowledge your perspective?

The Raven is an emblem of magic and intelligence. In nature, Ravens are highly resourceful creatures, using their intelligence to solve problems, adapt to changing environments, and even engage in complex social behaviors. This adaptability, combined with their role as a symbol of magic, offers profound lessons for us as humans seeking to improve ourselves.

The Raven’s intelligence goes beyond survival—it includes deep awareness and perception, symbolizing the kind of wisdom that comes from paying attention to the subtleties of life. In the same way that Ravens can recognize individual humans and remember past experiences, we can use our intelligence to reflect on our interactions and learn from them. Every encounter becomes a chance to grow in emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By recognizing patterns in our behavior or the energy we share with others, we can adjust how we move through the world, fostering stronger connections and making better decisions.

Raven’s connection to magic also teaches us to look beyond the surface and tap into the unseen forces in our lives. Magic, in this sense, isn’t about supernatural powers but about becoming aware of the subtle energies that guide our intuition, creativity, and sense of timing. Ravens often symbolize being at the right place at the right time, aligning with synchronicity. By honing our awareness and being open to life’s “magical” moments, we can learn to trust in the process, allowing things to unfold naturally rather than forcing outcomes.

Raven has a special connection with Wolf that you might want to study.

-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

Animal Cards

Animal Pottery

I want to hear about your Crow & Raven experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!

  1. Diane

    I have just started my journey into understanding energy fields, and I have just enrolled in an animal energy communication class where I was told my totem animal was the raven. The raven will help me advance in the class and maybe longer. Your information about the raven has helped me see how this may evolve, so thank you for your posting.

    Recently when I visit a friend and we have lunch on her deck, 2-4 ravens appear shortly after we go outside. One day they didn’t come, so I mentally asked them to come, and within a few minutes 2 ravens appeared. I feel such positive energy ! This journey is wonderful. Thanks for helping me to grow!

  2. Lala

    When I was three years old, traditional Native Medicine Wheel reading revealed that Raven is my animal totem.
    Throughout my life, I see them often. They speak to me, and follow me. There is a deep connection, and they come to me when I need help the most – always.
    Bless the work you are doing.

    • Tanya Casteel

      Thank you. And I feel this deeply as Raven has been one of my strongest guides.

    • Jocelyn

      I drove to my mothers mountain top home to pick up my husbands packages and in the trees at the very end of the road I saw a Raven. Then I saw another. And another. They vocalized a few verses here and there, no raucous. We went to my mom’s grabbed the packages and head back down the road. When we got to the end there they were. I looked through the trees to see how many. My husband began to make the left turn and there were more in the trees there. Some stayed, but other’s began to fly in the direction we were driving. I counted as many as I could but with some flying off, and others landing in new spots it was hard to count them properly. I can tell you there were at least 15. It was magical, exciting. I don’t have a clue what it means, but when I feel my mind has gone astray I try to remember those ravens. What a special moment it was for me.

  3. Joe Smalley

    Wow, I love this! Great concept! The combination of art and folklore works really well! I was browsing for inspiration for my own project involving Ravens and I found this and was impressed and thought I’d share.


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