Tawny Owl

Meaning & Symbolism

The Tawny Owl, with its keen night vision and ability to rotate its head nearly 270 degrees, symbolizes the need for perspective in our lives. Just as this Owl surveys its environment from high perches, seeing what others might miss in the darkness, we too must strive to broaden our view of the world around us.

Perspective shapes our experiences, influencing how we interpret the stories and stimuli in our lives. It’s important to recognize the difference between perception and perspective. Perception is how you perceive the world through your five senses and is often charged with emotion and projection. Perspective, on the other hand, is an objective view, such as how someone else views you or how others see things. Don’t assume that others see things the same way you do. The world looks and feels different through the lens of different life experiences and situations. Be like the Tawny Owl and try observing things from a different vantage point—detached yet fully aware.

This Owl’s ability to silently glide through the night teaches us the importance of approaching situations with quiet reflection, allowing us to see beyond our immediate emotional responses. For example, in a heated argument, taking a moment to shift our perspective can help us understand the other person’s point of view, transforming potential conflict into an opportunity for growth. By questioning why we see things the way we do and being curious about others’ perspectives, we can learn to appreciate differences as strengths rather than threats, fostering a more compassionate and open-minded approach to life. The Tawny Owl reminds us that a wider perspective can illuminate paths forward that we might not have seen otherwise, leading to deeper understanding and more meaningful connections.

Owls are known for being wise, and that’s because perspective brings wisdom by allowing us to see opportunities instead of obstacles. One of the dangerous perspectives we can fall into is a victimhood mindset, where we focus too much on the obstacles outside our control instead of seeing opportunities. This disempowers us and narrows our vision, causing us to feel stuck. The Tawny Owl reminds us to focus on what we can control—our reactions, our attitudes, and the choices we make moving forward. Empowerment comes from this place of inner control, not from trying to change or blame external forces. Even if you have experienced being victimized or marginalized, use your Owl-like perspective to recognize where you can take action, where you can adapt, where you can grow, and where the surprise opportunities are. This perspective can give you more power and control over your experience than getting lost in the illusion of disempowerment.

The Tawny Owl has three sets of eyelids: one for blinking, one for sleeping, and a third, transparent one, for cleaning its eyes to ensure clearer vision. If you find yourself caught in a pattern of negativity or frustration, clear your vision like an Owl by asking yourself whether you’re perceiving the situation accurately or through a distorted, dirty lens. Adjusting your perspective can reveal paths forward that were previously obscured.


  • In what situations do you find it hardest to shift your perspective, and how might taking a step back to observe from a place of empathy change the outcome?
  • How can you cultivate curiosity about perspectives that differ from your own, and what benefits might arise from embracing these differences?
  • How might focusing on what you can control bring you more clarity and empowerment?
  • What beliefs or assumptions are shaping your current perspective, and are they serving you or limiting you?


Different Owls offer a variety of other symbolism:

  • Barn Owl: Symbolism: stealth, mystery, and silent guidance. The Barn Owl’s nearly soundless flight teaches us to navigate life’s challenges with discretion and to trust unseen paths.
  • Barred Owl: Symbolism: curiosity, vigilance, and protection. Known for its distinctive “who cooks for you” call, the Barred Owl reminds us to be watchful, trust our voice, and defend what is most important to us.
  • Great Horned Owl: Symbolism: strength, adaptability, and fierce determination. As a powerful predator with keen hunting skills, the Great Horned Owl teaches us to face challenges head-on, using all our available resources.
  • Pygmy-Owl: Symbolism: resilience, courage, and resourcefulness. Small but bold, the Pygmy-Owl embodies the power of standing tall despite your size, using quick thinking to overcome obstacles.
  • Screech Owl: Symbolism: transformation, listening, and inner awareness. With their ability to blend into their environment, Screech Owls encourage us to listen more deeply to the subtle shifts around us and embrace personal change.
  • Snowy Owl: Symbolism: clarity, focus, and intuition. The Snowy Owl, with its pristine white feathers, symbolizes seeing through the fog of life’s distractions and trusting in your inner wisdom to guide you.


-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

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I want to hear about your Owl experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!


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